Dang Bass Club By-Laws/Rules



Maximum participating club members is forty (40) teams. Each member or guest that fishes in Dang Bass tournaments or participates in club functions will be required to sign a liability release form. Dang Bass Club is affiliated with Alabama Bass Federation, Inc. (ABF) and The Bass Federation (TBF).

  1. Membership Dues:
  • $35.00 annual dues for the club to be paid before first tournament in January. Ten dollars of each members dues will be put with three hundred dollars ($300.00) from the club treasury for our end of year top three (3) teams.  The end of year prize money will be split by percentage 50, 30, 20. In case of a tie funds will be split between the teams. Each member must pay both ABF dues ($10.00) and TBF dues ($50.00) each year.
  • All members must be members of Alabama Bass Federation, Inc., (ABF) and The Bass Federation (TBF). Your annual ABF membership dues of $10.00 and TBF dues of $50.00 should be paid to the club at the same time of your club membership dues. Your TBF membership includes a subscriber membership the Major League Fishing (MLF)
  • All members must be members of Alabama Bass Federation, Inc., (ABF) and The Bass Federation (TBF). Your annual ABF membership dues of $10.00 and TBF dues of $50.00 should be paid to the club at the same time of your club membership dues. You TBF membership includes a subscriber membership the Major League Fishing (MLF).
  • A five dollar ($5.00) late will be charged for renewing members after our first tournament.
  • Dues for new members (defined as never being a member of Dang Bass Club) accepted after the year has started will be prorated at $3.00 / month for the remaining month of the year. Minimum dues charged will be $18.00 regardless of the number of remain month in the year.
  • For an away two (2) day tournament fifty dollars ($50.00) will be collected from each participating member to help cover additional club expenses.
  • For the Club to pay expenses for a two (2) day tournament, a member must be in good standing. Good standing is defined as fishing 75% of the club’s tournaments.
  1. New Members:
  • Each member may recommend an individual for membership.
  • New members recommended for membership will be voted on for approval by club members in attendance at the event.
  • Club members that recommend a member for membership and that membership is approved will be subject to receiving their entry fee for the next tournament waived. 
  1. Guest:
  • Guest invited by members to participate in a tournament are responsible for their tournament entry fee and will be eligible to compete for prize money.
  • Each guest may fish up to four (4) tournament per year. After fishing four (4) tournament the guest must join the club.
  • One meeting per year will be scheduled usually in December to schedule all tournament sites /locations and dates for the entire year. All recommended rules changes will be discussed and voted on at the annual meeting or at a monthly tournament.
  • A monthly meeting may be held following a monthly tournament if needed.
  • There will be twelve (12) tournaments each year, fished monthly.
  • Each tournament will have a 1st, 2nd 3rd and Big Fish prize established as follows
  • Each tournament participate will pay $30.00 entry fee prior to start of tournament
  • $2.00 per participate of the $30.00 entry fee will be Big Fish prize
  • $7.00 per participate of the $30.00 entry fee will go to Club treasury
  • The remaining $30.00 entry fee will be distributed
  • $9.00 per entry for 1st Place
  • $7.00 per entry for 2nd Place
  • $5.00 per entry for 3rd Place
  • All tournament entry fees will be paid prior start of tournament
  • Any prize money not paid out due to no fish being caught will remain in the club treasury.
  • Prize money will be awarded based on total boat weight of legal fish.
  • The top teams of the year will be determined by total points awarded for 11 tournaments. Lowest points of 12 tournaments will be dropped.
  1. CLUB OFFICERS:      
  • Club Officers will be elected at the annual club meeting and serve 1 year term. Club Officers will receive one free tournament each season.
  • All decisions made by the Club Officers are Final
  • President:
  • Will schedule and conduct all meetings
  • Make any decisions on change locations, times and or launch sites with officer’s approval
  • Will enforce all club, state and federal rules / laws
  • Will be responsible to control weigh-in scales
  • May appoint someone to conduct weigh-in / monitor
  • Vice- President:
  • In absence of President will assume his duties
  • Assist in weigh-in
  • Will assist in contacting all members with changes in schedules, dates, times, etc
  • Audit Club account in the month of December and make report available at annual meeting
  • Secretary/Treasurer:
  • Collect all membership dues and have each tournament participate to sign a liability release form
  • Control Club account
  • Collect tournament entry fees
  • Keep weigh-in records and update monthly
  • Upon request show checking account balance and club expenditures
  • Contact membership with any changes in schedule, dates, times, etc
  • Minimum fish size will be 12 inches long or designated size set by law or fishing resort
  • No culling at ramp. Once sixth (6th) fish is caught you must cull prior to continuing to fish
  • Following procedures are established for measuring fish
  • Mouth closed & lined up against the end of ruler, tail lowered to its natural position on ruler. If any part of the tail touches the 12-inch mark, it’s a legal fish. Swiping the tail from side to side is legal if the touches the 12-inch mark
  • Limit of fish is five (5) per team
  • Dead Fish Penalty – for each dead fish weighted 8oz/.50lbs will be deducted from total weight. No dead fish can be weight for Big Fish.
  • A winner will be determined by total weight. In the event of a tie the team with the largest fish will win
  • Club Officers will supervise the weigh-in/measuring of fish/ No fish will be brought to the scales until tournament fees are paid. Another angler will verify all weights.
  • Artificial baits ONLY will be allowed in tournament
  • Minimum number of boats for a tournament to be official will be two (2)
  • It two (2) people from different teams fish together, they must weigh fish separately. They must also let the other person control the boat half the day if desired
  • It is not mandatory to make the established tournament start time. If you partner does not show up by start a 30-minute courtesy wait is desired. If 30 minutes pass and partner has not arrived no further wait obligation. Check in time is mandatory. Any team failing to meet the established check-in time will have 1 lb. subtracted per minute from total weight. After fifteen (15) minutes team will be disqualified
  • All live fish will be returned to the lake
  • Year-end totals will be based on 11 tournaments, lowest of 12 tournament points will be dropped.
  1. Safety 
  • At the end of a tournament, no one will leave until all members are accounted for
  • If a member leaves early that member must give notification either verbally or by note. Failure to do so will result in being disqualified for the tournament
  • All member and guest will be required to have a personal chest type life preserver (PFD) while participating in tournament. PFD is required to be worn while the Big Engine is in operation on plane. Failure to do so will result if being disqualified from the tournament. This rule will be strictly enforced by all club members.
  • When fishing around or in the vicinity of dams all Federal, State and local regulations will apply